Sonal Bahl Podcast
April 2021  -  Podcast

Helping Supercharge Careers with Generosity and Compassion

Sonal is an experienced HR Director and Career Strategist with a career spanning nearly two decades in senior HR positions. She has lived and worked in Chile, Belgium, France, India and Uruguay. She has helped recruit, build and evolve highly talented teams for large companies like GE, PwC, family-owned firms, and startups. This gives her a unique vantage point to help people with their careers, no matter what situation they find themselves in now.

We connected with Sonal as we share a common passion for helping everyone to live a career and life they actually love. We talk with Sonal about her own career story, how she supports her clients through a combination of coaching, mentoring, consulting and training, the channels where she shares her content and ideas, the trends she is seeing in career management, and what’s next in her journey.

Links from the episode: 

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