Ann Hiatt Podcast
May 2022  -  Podcast

Bet on Yourself and Create a Career of Your Own

As a Silicon Valley veteran with 15 years of experience as the Executive Business Partner for Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Marissa Mayer (Yahoo!) and Chief of Staff to Eric Schmidt (Google), Ann Hiatt applies lessons of innovation, ambition, growth at scale, and forward-thinking leadership to expand businesses and individual careers. As a Leadership Strategist, she helps entrepreneurs do this through strategy consulting, training, workshops and more. Her new book, Bet On Yourself, offers guidance and stories from her experiences in Silicon Valley.

We talk with Ann about her own career journey, what lessons she learned working alongside extraordinary leaders, how she navigated her transition from global corporations to becoming a consultant, her current work advising entrepreneurs, why she wrote her book Bet On Yourself and the main ideas from the book, her advice for early career professionals, how to figure out what you want next in your career, and her plans for 2022.

Links from the episode: 

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